Just a quick note. If I make a mistake in the information I provide in any of our videos, I own them. I did make a mistake in this video and would like to clarify.
When discussing the essentiality of “essential fatty acids,” I said that our bodies can make essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6. I was mistaken. In reading Dr. Ray Peats work discussing essential fatty acids, I noticed he said we were able to synthesize fats when we need them, but he was only talking about omega-9 fatty acids. The other omegas ARE NOT synthesized by the body, although they are still not considered “essential” because it can be argued they are not essential for survival. In fact it could be argued they are extremely damaging and should be avoided.
I had to decide wether to take the video down and adjust it or let it stay up and address the mistake. I choose the latter route because the statement still stands true. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are not essential. They’re just not essential for the reason stated in the video.
A special thanks goes out to Rob Turner of functionalps.com. Rob is a very smart guy who’s spent years of steadying and helping others. On Facebook, Rob very elegantly identified my mistake and commented on it. With a community like this, people can learn so much! I always appreciate constructive criticism. Be sure to check out Rob’s Blog at his website above. He’s truly a wealth of knowledge!
Leave your comments and constructive criticism below. Enjoy the video!
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