FitLife Fusion Fights MSA with Chef Kerry Simon

FitLife Fusion’s owner Peter Pinto was interviewed this month discussing the progress Celebrity Chef Kerry Simon has made with medicinal marijuana…

kerry simon
Here’s the link:

First off just let me say “WE LOVE CHEF KERRY SIMON!!!”

Kerry has been a member here at FitLife here in Las Vegas for almost two years and though it’s been a tough battle against a rare disease, Kerry has been one of the hardest working people we’ve ever had in our studio.   We’re happy to have him as a member in our gym and as a leader in our community raising awareness about MSA.

Chef Kerry Simon and coach Peter Pinto rehabilitating walking patterns

Chef Kerry Simon and coach Peter Pinto working on walking patterns

Multiple Systems Atrophy is considered an aggressive form of Parkinson’s Disease.  It’s a degenerative disease which attacks the nervous system.  In our experience with MSA and Chef Kerry we’ve seen some remarkable things happen when using our neurology-driven approach to training.  With recent discoveries in neuroplasticity, we stay hopeful that one day diseases like MSA will be a thing of the past.  Until then we’ll continue to #FIGHTMSA together with Kerry.  We encourage you go on social media and participate in the fight for MSA by following Chef Kerry Simon and his organization, FightMSA!

For more info about MSA awareness visit:


Keep Moving and join in the fight! #FIGHTMSA

Nordstrom’s Results

Muay Thai Las Vegas on Amazon Local!

amazon localWe’re on Amazon local with a killer deal!  Get 10 Muay Thai classes for just $35.  You can’t beat this price.  If you’ve ever wanted to try something new to get in shape this is the perfect opportunity for just $35.

As you may know by now The Lab is home to Sityodtong Las Vegas, where you can learn authentic, traditional Muay Thai in Las Vegas.  We are an official branch of the Sityodtong International Muay Thai Camp of Pattaya Thailand.  Kru Peter Pinto leads the instruction with classes on Monday – Wednesday – Friday at 6pm.  Come try a free class!

Click here to purchase the 10 Sessions of Muay Thai

Click here to learn more about Sityodtong Las Vegas Muay Thai Kick Boxing

Hurry! This Amazon local deal won’t be up for long.  Buy it today.  Gift it for a friend or family member!

The Fit Labs part of GIT Expert Panel: “Check into Fitness”

GIT testThursday September 19th, The Fit Labs co-owners, Peter Pinto and James Wong, will be panelists at the Girls In Tech “Check into Fitness”.

Panelists will be answering questions pertaining to the use of technology, apps, websites, and gadgets they use with patients and clients to help them keep stay on track to losing weight, getting healthier, improve sleep and energy levels, get out of pain, and more.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get some great insight on how some of the best professionals in the health and wellness industry get amazing results for thousands of Las Vegans. Fitness” Expert Panel Discussion.  This event is focused on how technology can be used to aid people in their quest to stay motivated and achieve their health and fitness goals.  The event is open to men and women is entry is FREE!

Doors open at 6:30pm and the event starts at 7pm at CoBiz CoWorking 6445 S Tenaya Las Vegas, NV 89113.

We hope to see you there!

The Fit Labs in ZION!

Zion lunch time

What a great trip this turned out to be.  The Fit Labs Team and all of our members took a Sunday trip up to Zion National Park in Utah.  We hiked the Emerald Pools and took in the amazing sites Zion had to offer!


We hope to see you at the next Fit Labs Outing!

The Executive Circuit

The Executive Circuit
This is one of Peter’s favorite workouts due to its simplicity and it sure fire effectiveness! It’s something we picked up from Olympic Coach Charles Poliquin. The “Executive Circuit is made up of FOUR exercises:

1. The Split Squat, front foot elevated:
Put one foot up on a low platform and the other behind you in a split stance position.
Lower your body down and forward so that your front knee drives forward, past your toes. Then push up and back to return to the start position.
2. Incline Dumbbell Chest Press, neutral grip:
Choose and inclined position on a free standing bench and hold the dumbbells on your chest with your palms facing one another so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor
Press the dumbbells to the ceiling, traveling slightly backward on your way up so that your entire arm is perpendicular to the floor once your elbows are completely extended.
3. The Back Squat:
Place the barbell on your back (not the back of your neck) and grip the bar so that your forearms stay perpendicular to the floor (elbows pointing straight down).
Slowly descend into a squatted position as far as you feel comfortable, keeping your forearms pointed toward the floor and your spine (including your neck) aligned while in motion. Try to make sure your hips and knees bend simultaneously so you don’t put excess pressure on your knees or lower back. Then stand and repeat.
4. The Pull Up, neutral grip
Grip the bars so that your palms face one another in the hang position.
Pull yourself up, bringing your shoulders up to your hands. Repeat.
The Pull Up can also be assisted by a rubber band or your buddy holding you by the feet.

Work your way through all four exercises in that order for 1 set.

Rep/Set Scheme:
rest 60-90seconds between exercises and 120seconds between sets

Perform this workout 2x/week over a 4 week period.
Week 1 = 2 sets
Week 2 = 3 sets
Week 3 = 4 sets
Week 4 = 4 sets

Let us know how you do in the comment section below!

Peter Journal: week 2

There are a few things that don’t exactly follow the guidelines here, but as I said “I will be brutally honest!”
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Doc - Feb 1, 2013, 7-21 PM - p2

Doc - Feb 1, 2013, 7-21 PM - p3

Doc - Feb 1, 2013, 7-21 PM - p4journal

Peter’s Journal

Here are some pics from my journal to give you an idea of what I’ve been eating.  It’s not ideal, but I’ll be working on it more and more.  Preparation is my biggest problem.  I have to stock up this week.  “KEEP MOVING FORWARD!”  That’s the plan.  journal Peter's Journal week2 - Jan 25, 2013, 5-36 PM - p1 Peter's Journal week2 - Jan 25, 2013, 5-36 PM - p2 Peter's Journal week2 - Jan 25, 2013, 5-36 PM - p3 Peter's Journal week2 - Jan 25, 2013, 5-36 PM - p4 Peter's Journal week2 - Jan 25, 2013, 5-36 PM - p5

UFC Fighter Bristol Marunde in the Lab!

Peter & Bristol vid

Here’s the clip of Peter training Bristol Marunde:

Bristol was a quarter finalist on Season 16 of UFC’s The Ultimate Fighter and one tough SOB!  I hope you enjoy this small clip of Bristol hitting pads.  It’s a quick look into how an elite, pro athlete sharpens his skills.

To learn more about Bristol follow him on:

Twitter: @bristolmarunde (



New Site Launch!

We’re happy to announce the launch of our website’s new design! We cleaned house a little in an effort to make things easier to find. We also wished to offer an easier way for us to keep in touch.

Subscribe to our RSS feed (use the box on the right) This way you can always stay up to date with cool new recipes, programs, and other items we will post to assist our clients.

Also we love Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube! Connect with us on those sites and that will assist you to keep up on our entire network!

Use the contact forms on the site to drop us a line. Let us know how you like the new site and anything we can do to improve your experience here.

Check back often… you will see a transformation here like we can do with your body and your life!