How to Avoid Additives that Wreak Havoc in Your Body

3 Questions about additives in foods and how to avoid them.

Eva's interview with Peter for her 5th grade science project on additives in food.

Eva’s interview with Peter for her 5th grade science project on additives in food.

This past week one I was paid a visit by a young lady whose 5th grade science experiment was based on preservatives and additives in foods and what they do to our bodies.  She came in very prepared for her interview with me.   Confidently, she asked me question after question writing my responses word for word in her notebook.  In fact, she had good questions.  Her interview inspired me to write a bit on this topic, because her reaction (and her mother’s reaction) was of genuine shock when they heard what I had to say about preservatives. So he
Question 1:  What are preservatives and what do they do to the foods they’re in?
To understand how preservatives preserve food we must first have a basic understanding of what mold, a preservative’s mortal enemy, actually is.  Mold is a fungus.  It’s a micro-organism which travels in the form of spores through our atmosphere.  Mold decomposes dead organic plant material like wood, leaves, and plants. Mold needs a few things to grow.  A food source, oxygen, water, and a temperature somewhere between 40 and 100 degrees.
Preservatives like polysorbates, nitrites, and sulfites are used to combat mold by making the enzymes mold uses to break down food ineffective. Others come in contact with the mold and have an antimicrobial effect entering the cells of the fungus and wreaking havoc essentially killing it.
Question #2:  What do preservatives to our bodies?Remember, our gut has a variety of bacteria and enzymes in it to break down our food sources.  Foods with a whole lot of preservatives causes stress on our digestive track.  If the food is more difficult to break down and go through enzymatic processes then our absorption of the nutrients in the food is negatively affected.
This can also cause an imbalance in our gut flora resulting in the overgrowth of some bacteria in our gut which then can lead to many other illnesses over time.
Preservatives aren’t the only enemies lurking around in our foods.  Other additives like carrageenan and gums are used as thickening agents to make foods and drinks have a creamer texture making them more palatable. These additives can have highly allergenic reactions in our guts causing all kinds of stress and the stress hormone cascades that go along with it.
Our gut is referred to as the “second brain” quite often in the world of physiology.  It has the largest amount of neurons than any other system in our body, second only to the brain.  Our digestive track has a big job to do in breaking down foods and utilizing the nutrients from them. So think twice when putting something in it that may stress it out!
Question 3:  Then what are some good “on the go” options?
This was a tough question.  At first my answers were “fresh fruit, quality cheese, milk and coffee…”  These were not the answers she was looking for.  What she really wanted to know was where could she go to pick up healthy food on the go.  Unfortunately there aren’t a whole lot of places you can grab quick meals on the go because you don’t really know what they have in their foods or what oils their using to cook the food with, etc.  If you are planning on looking for a healthy restaurant of any kind to grab food on the go there’s something you have to keep in mind.  Depending on the restaurant, their objective is to serve thousands of customers per month, and therefor the have to stock a lot of food.  Business varies week to week, month to month, so in order to save money they use foods with the longest shelf life possible.  It only makes sense from a business standpoint, or at least a numbers standpoint, for restaurants to use foods with preservatives in them.  Keeping that in mind it’s hard to trust that you’re going to be able to buy truly healthy food on the go.  In my opinion you can count on the fact that any restaurant is going to sacrifice health for profit margin.
So what can you do?
1.  Keep it simple.
Fresh fruit, cheese, milk, orange juice, carrots, hard boiled or deviled eggs, maybe a little beef jerky from time to time.  These are the things you can grab on the go that are healthy.  The key is to make sure each time you eat you have sugar (carb), protein, and fat (primarily saturated).  Having all of these nutrients in the meal help to keep your metabolism running properly and your blood-sugar level.
2.  Prepare your meals.
Learning to cook a few basic things that you really like can help tremendously.  I feel like society has brain-washed us to believe we don’t have enough time in the week to take care of ourselves.  Cooking for ourselves is seemingly becoming a thing of the past.  Start by trying to few recipes that are quick, easy and something you’d be willing to pack.  You’ll be amazed at how much time you’ll save and work you’ll be able to get done the next day having all your food prepared!
3.  If you are out at a restaurant there are a few things you can do in order to try to get the healthiest meal preparation as possible.
     –  Ask them to cook your food with butter or coconut oil.  Butter is usually the easier request to fulfill.  If they are using vegetable oil or a spray oil ask them to wipe the grip before cooking your meat on it.  These kinds of oils wreak havoc in our body by damaging our immune system and coating our cells, making it difficult for them to respire.
     – Meat, fruit, veggies, starches like potatoes are ok.
     – Keep away from bread and pastas
     – Make sure the meal has all 3 kinds of nutrients in it; sugar, protein, fat.
If you want more information please visit our website and contact us for a free consult.

Hypothyroidism… what the $@%^ is that?


Hypothyroidism seems to be the new catchy phrase people like to use to sell you MORE STUFF.  Doctors and pharmaceutical companies want to sell you meds.  Chiropractors, trainers and nutritionists want to sell you “all natural” supplements.  For those of you who follow my work and know me, you know this bother’s the hell outta me.  I just don’t trust anyone who sells a product that will cure you of all of your ailments. Many conditions out there used to scare people into thinking they need these products and medications are usually, as I said before, catchy marketing phrases, BUT… Hypothyroidism or a slow acting thyroid gland is very, very real.

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“Am I Hypo-whatever that is?” 

Most likely you are.  There are many things that can contribute to having a low acting thyroid.  Here’s the logic:

If you have a weight problem then you have a metabolism problem, right? and so…

If you have a metabolism problem then you have a thyroid problem, and here’s why!

Your thyroid controls your metabolism by acting as the foreman on the construction site that is your body.  It regulates the hormones your body produces and the rate at which they are produced, but weight gain isn’t the only symptom.  More and more people are suffering from symptoms of hypothyroidism and being diagnosed with some sort of thyroid issue now a days.

Symptoms can include:

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • rheumatic pain
  • low body temperature
  • brittle nails
  • dry & coarse hair
  • hair loss/thinning hair
  • decreased stamina
  • low libido
  • sleep disturbances
  • cold extremities (hands, feet, nose, or maybe all over)
  • puffy eyes/face
  • decreased sweating
  • PMS
  • infertility
  • constipation
  • possible autoimmune disease

Now that’s a lot of stuff and you may suffer from one or many of these symptoms, but that doesn’t mean the root of the problem is any different!

“Hey Peter!  I eat healthy!  I exercise regularly!  Don’t accuse me of not treating my body well!”

Look.  I’m not accusing you of eating poorly, or not exercising enough, or correctly.  There’s much more to it, in fact.  Here are a few causes of hypothyroidism:

Causes of Hypothyroidism:

  • Nutrient Deficiency – not enough protein, quality of protein,  soils depleted of minerals and vitamins.
  • Types of Foods – like soy, grain (whole or not), PUFA, food additives,
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity – fish and mercury, FILLINGS and mercury, cigarettes smoke, environments if you work with or around paints and metals.
  • Liver Damage/Toxicity – the liver is a magic machine, and responsible for most of the filtration system.  Leaky gut.  Stress on the liver can inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3 conversion.
  • Increased Cortisol/Low Cortisol (if fatigued)
  • Hormones: Increase/decreased testosterone cause thyroid disfunction.  High Estrogen, Low Progesterone.
  • Medications – like Lithium blocks conversion of Thyroid hormones. Antidepressants, Birth Control, Statin drugs.
  • HPTA problem – Gonad, gut, adrenal all work on the Hypothalamus – Pituitary – Thyroid – Axis.

It seems like EVERYTHING causes hypothyroidism!  No, that’s not true.  It can seem complex as there is no one-way to heal everyone of this issue, but there is a path for every individual to achieve their own optimal health – the path to EFFICIENCY.

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When you describe a machine that works “efficiently” you would think of a machine that works well at a high rate taking the least amount of energy to do so.  If you were to envision a machine does not operate efficiently it would take a lot of energy to operate, break easily, and have a short lifespan before it broke down completely.

I was taught by Dr. Eric Cobb of Z Health from a neurological standpoint how important efficiency in movement is for success in strength training, pain rehabilitation and the development of many other valuable fitness attributes.  In my year of experience applying this to my clients I have found it to be the best, most advanced method of training athletes and non-athletes alike.  Nutrition can be looked at in the same light.

Energy production in the body down to the very smallest form of life at the cellular level should happen very efficiently.  Our cells combine oxygen and glucose within the mitochondria and through an oxidation process create energy.  When in a stressful event (of any kind) there is a higher demand for energy.  If there is a lack of good, immediate fuel source (glucose) from the foods you eat then you’re body will have to begin releasing adaptive hormones in order to break down parts of your body in order to  continue to produce energy.  Not only does this method of producing energy break down fat, muscle and bone, it’s also a very in-efficient way of producing energy.

This is a very useful survival mechanism int the body that can save your life if you were in a life threatening situation.  The problem is, in the American society we live in today there are so many stresses affecting our bodies that we end up living in this survival state where our bodies are constantly having to break itself down to produce energy.  It’s no wonder America is the fattest country in the world with one of the highest rates of mortality due to degenerative diseases!

Heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, alzheimer’s, diabetes, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (degenerative kidney diseases), suicide.  These are all leading causes of death in America and all duet to some sort of degeneration of the human body.

“Ok, well what can I do about it then!?”

Duh!  Fix it with diet!…  Oh, wait a sec.  It isn’t just that easy.  How do you know what’s right for you? Who should you listen to out there preaching about their “scientifically proven” method of dieting. What kind of diet should you follow?  Paleo? Atkins? SouthBeach? WeightWatchers? Vegetarian?  Well, everyone’s individual and different things work for different people, right?  But how do you know which one is really working for you?  Is weight loss the only key to better health?  These are the questions capable of causing so much confusion and frustration that giving up seems to be the one and only thing within your control.

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Paying attention to your body can make the difference.  Knowing what to look for can set your experience apart from all the other’s you may have had with crash diets and personal trainers of your past.  Here at The Fit Labs we help our clients monitor all the the symptoms listed at the beginning of this article, along with heart rate, temperature and blood work in order to deem wether what your eating or how your training is right for you.  Every time you put food in your mouth your body responds with physical signs telling you how the food is reacting.  Every time you perform an exercise there are ways you can tell if your body finds it to be safe and productive or too stressful and threatening.

Why hasn’t anyone told you about this?  Well, it’s not something taught in mainstream medicine or in the average personal training certification.  It took me over 10 years of deciphering studies and research along with the help of the brilliant coaches I have been very fortunate to find and work with such as Dr. Eric Cobb, Coach Charles Poliquin, Dr. Freddys Garcia, Z-Heatlh Master Trainer Zachariah Salazar, Josh Rubin and others to discover the truth about the ways in which our body communicates these things to us.

Why trust me?  Well, you don’t have to.  Allow me to prove it to you.  I am a coach.  I help people become healthy, get strong and enjoy a higher quality of life and that is why I established The Fit Labs along with my partner James Wong here in Las Vegas.  I am not selling supplements, cleanses, or magic products that promise you will lose loads of fat in no time.  We offer a philosophy and a path that will only move you forward using the information your body is providing in response to the starting points we provide at the beginning of your trek to optimum health.  And that is what shapes your individual program.

Again the symptoms of Hypothyroidism are:

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • rheumatic pain
  • low body temperature
  • brittle nails
  • dry & coarse hair
  • hair loss/thinning hair
  • decreased stamina
  • low libido
  • sleep disturbances
  • cold extremities (hands, feet, nose, or maybe all over)
  • puffy eyes/face
  • decreased sweating
  • PMS
  • infertility
  • constipation
  • possible autoimmune disease

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms CALL TODAY @ 702-220-8222 and schedule a FREE, NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION over the phone or in person with me.  Recognizing there is a problem and reaching out for help is the first step on your path to better health, weight loss, more energy, better sleep and an overall greater quality of life… and in my opinion, it’s the biggest.

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